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Why the Life Miracle Health Affiliate Program May Be A Great Opportunity To Convert Your Valuable Web Traffic Into Ongoing Revenue For Your Website.
You work very hard on your website, but are you making the money you deserve with it? How would you like to monetize the traffic to your website, blog or forum into sales commission payouts by receiving a significant portion of the revenue from the sales of our products?

Please do NOT contact us if you are seeking to “strike it rich” somehow without an investment of time, capital and effort. We believe that we offer exceptional products that businesses in our industry can do very well with, however– legitimate business opportunities offer legitimate potential, but not without investing significant time, effort and capital to build your business. We can supply you with great products, but the marketing effort, and promotion on your website has to come from you over a period of time to be successful. There is no way around hard work, time and effort in building a successful business. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply not being honest with you.
The most important secret about making big money as an affiliate is the product(s) you choose to promote.
That’s even more important than your traffic, because unless you’re selling what people want to buy, you won’t be able to convert that traffic into cash. It doesn’t even matter what the profit margins are. A big chunk of nothing is still nothing. With our heath affiliate program, you will be able to sell the hottest health and weight loss products at the healthiest profit margins. Your earning potential is unlimited and all you need to do is direct your traffic to us. We handle the orders, the customers, the shipping fulfillment and the payouts.
Why Promote Life Miracle's Health and "Green" Product Affiliate Program?
Rule #1
in marketing to consumers is find a problem and solve it for them. You must sell something that dramatically impacts the lives of your customers and benefits them in some way. It sounds so basic, but that is why most businesses fail, they do not follow this simple rule. To that end, what is more beneficial to a customer than their good health? Even if they have all the money in the world, if they are unhealthy or sick they can’t enjoy it. So good health is the #1 critical need for EVERYBODY from every walk of life.
Rule #2
is you must have a lucrative market to sell to, with as wide a demographic as possible. Again, who needs good health–everyone, right? The natural health industry is growing by leaps and bounds every year because more and more people are turning away from pharmaceutical “solutions” that are harmful to health and the pocketbook. Here is a shocking statistic: the USA spends 16% of our GDP on healthcare, and that is expected to rise to 20% within a decade. In 2003, we spent an unbelievable average of $5,635.00 for every person in America. From solely a business perspective, it would be difficult to identify a more lucrative market than healthcare.
The only other industry that may be poised for even greater growth, is the “Green”, or Environmental product sector. The world is finally becoming aware of the fact that our planet’s natural resources are finite, and must be conserved and utilized more efficiently or they will simply run out in a matter of decades. With more emerging markets like China and India demanding extraordinary natural resources to fuel their growth, we are discovering that solutions to help preserve these resources are becoming increasingly important. The costs for these resources will continue to escalate as the demand and scarcity increases.
Our product solutions are not only meant to benefit the environment and the health of the end user, but also save consumers a tremendous amount of money in the process by saving significant energy and natural resources. We guarantee that the users of our innovative green products will receive a financial return on investment many times beyond what they pay for our products.
Rule #3
Your Traffic Is Valuable. Why should your advertisers make all the profit from your traffic, while all you do is get paid a small amount for clicks or impressions? That type of old fashioned advertising worked in the past, but affiliate programs are the present and future of marketing. The secret to making big money on the internet is not making crumbs, but entire large portions of the sale of a product. When we sell something to a customer you send to us from your web traffic, you actually make more money than we do while we do all of the work and fulfillment.
What exactly is an affiliate program, and how can this program generate a great deal of cash for me and my business?
An affiliate program is one of the most effective, easiest and most profitable ways to make money on the internet. Internet usage is exploding, and as it does, more and more people are choosing to make their purchases online. If you have a website that has traffic, you can convert it immediately into money. If there is enough traffic, individuals can quit their job and live off of their affiliate revenue, and existing businesses can see their profits explode, sometimes with minimal effort.
Is it difficult to build a successful affiliate program?
It is quite simple if you already have traffic to your site. You just put the promotional material on your website and start converting the previously un-monetized traffic into money. You may strictly provide free quality content and information to the public, but our affiliate program will allow you to monetize that traffic.
It takes work if you are starting from scratch, but with a little effort you can grow your site and be very successful over time. You can start off just promoting a new site with contextual advertising from Google Adwords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and MSN AdCenter and start making money right away. The more you make, the more you can advertise and create even greater sales.
I need to start from scratch. Can you provide me with a website?
Yes. For a nominal fee, we can create a site with your contact information and we can even host it for you. All you need to do is spread the word and promote the site. We have attractive banner ads available that you can use for free.
What sort of websites can be successful with your program?
Any site with traffic can be successful. Some typical sites that generate traffic but little or no income are popular blogs, discussion forums, Twitter and Facebook homepages, etc. These are all ideal for our affiliate program because you can take these communities and convert a percentage of the visitors into customers. There is nothing better than making money from something you love to do and are already doing.
My website’s content and theme is not focused on health. Can I still make money with the affiliate program?
Absolutely. Even if your content is not health focused, your visitors are concerned about good heath, right? You’ll have smokers on your site, people who take vitamins regularly, people that need to lose weight and
vitamins everyone does laundry and wants to save money. Our products are very appealing to a very large demographic.
If you still aren’t sure if it is a good fit for your site, promote the business opportunity of the affiliate program itself to webmasters and site owners. Everybody is looking to build additional streams of income. Building relationships with affiliates underneath you could provide years of significant income after putting in the effort and time to create that relationship.
What size target markets are we talking about with these products?
The Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) states that retail sales within the U.S. consumer packaged goods health and wellness industry reached $91.10 billion in 2006, representing growth of 15% over 2005. That extraordinary figure is only counting sales made at the retail level, and in the USA only. Similar growth is happening all over the world. Joining our health affiliate program is the easiest way to stake your claim in this exploding industry. With the Baby Boomer population starting to reach retirement age, there is mushrooming demand for natural health and wellness solutions.
Are there any other reasons to choose selling your products over someone else’s?
You can make money doing almost anything in this world, and everyone has to make a living. Why not make that living doing good by helping others to maintain or improve their health? We have a vision and focus to have a positive impact on solving some of the most serious problems our society is currently facing.
LiquiVive®, our comprehensive
liquid vitamins nutritional supplement, provides a potent blend of hundreds of nutrients to help strengthen your immune system to keep you healthy. Our Laundry System provides an environmentally safe way to wash clothing, and benefit those suffering with debilitating chemical induced skin and respiratory ailments. And LiquiVive Liquid Collagen Protein, CleanseX and Hoodia Gordonii, our natural weight loss support products, are focused on providing a treatment for obesity which is the #2 preventable cause of sickness and death in the nation.
Marketing these cutting edge natural health solutions is not just highly profitable, but a positive and noble pursuit that you can be proud to be a part of.
How do I promote the affiliate programs?
If you already have a website set up that gets a good number of visitors, you are 95% there already. All you have to do is set up a product banner ad of the Life Miracle® product of your choice on your website, or an associate pre-sell page. You can even blog about the products or discuss them in a forum (make sure you include a link!) Every time someone clicks through and orders, you get paid.
Can I promote multiple products?
Absolutely. You can sell ALL of our popular products if you wish. And if you promote the affiliate program itself to other webmasters, you make a piece of all of their action.
Program Overview:
Earning money with the lifenatural.com Affiliate Program is straightforward, and simple if you have the audience to convert into sales. We do the physical work and you earn additional revenue. And we do good work – we have conversion rates around 1:50 (depending on actual promotion or season), which means that one in every 50 visitors buys something from us.
WE DO A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF BACK OFFICE WORK FOR YOU- We create exceptional products, inventory the products, handle all shipping and order fulfillment and customer queries, and you get paid 30% of the sale by referring your visitors to us.
Commission Conditions:
Your commission is 30% of the entire gross sale (not just the profit) of any and all orders you refer to us. Our sales average $70, but frequently can run in excess of $250.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What do I need to become an affiliate?
2. How do I know I will be paid for my referral?
3. How is the payment handled?
4. How do I set up an account?
5. What is the affiliate link?
6. Can I promote you through pay-per-click search engines?
7. Do you have any training program for affiliates?
8. What must I do NOW?
1. What do I need to become an affiliate?
Nothing! Except your desire to be an affiliate, and the commitment to do a little up front work.
You don’t even need a website (although having your own website helps). You can promote our product via search engines, postings in internet forums, or simply email to all your friends and people you know with your affiliate link to our product.
All you need to do is to send a visitor to our site via a special link (called ‘affiliate link’), and if he or she buys anything from us, you will get 30% of the sale value.
2. How do I know I will be paid for my referral?
The program is powered by a very sophisticated affiliate tracking program. This specialized code uses a combination of cookies and IP address to track referrals for absolute best possible reliability and accuracy. When the visitor follows your affiliate link to our site, our affiliate system registers this referral and places cookie on his or her computer. When the visitor pays for the product, affiliate system checks for cookie (if not found, checks for IP address of referral) and credits your account 30% of the purchase value. This process is absolutely automatic. All your referrals will be properly tracked.
3. How is the payment handled?
You can choose if you want to be paid by PayPal or by check, as well as a minimum payout value ($100 minimum). Payments are issued in US dollars, and are paid once a month, always on 15th.
4. How do I set up an account?
Setting up an account is very easy and it’s completely FREE. You don’t have to pay for becoming an affiliate.
All you need to sign up go to the Affiliate Signup Form and fill it out. After a review from our affiliate manager, you will receive email with your password and other information.
As our affiliate, you will have your own control panel where you can see detailed statistics of traffic and sales you referred, news and training materials, and choice of banners and text links.
Then you only need to place an affiliate link, banner, text link or other link at your web site or place ads in pay-per-click search engines, so you can start sending customers to our web site.
5. What is the affiliate link?
Affiliate link is a special URL where you should be sending the visitors. You will get the URL’s for different banners in your affiliate panel after log in.
6. Can I promote you through pay-per-click search engines?
YES! You can promote us through pay-per-click search engines. In fact, this type of promotion is becoming increasingly popular and we are aware of several affiliates promoting our products in this way and making a very good profit. (Well, they keep promoting us month after month, which tells you something, doesn’t it?) Some people are making MILLIONS promoting other people’s products – why not you?
7. Do you have any training program for affiliates?
Yes, basics of affiliate marketing and most useful tips are described in your affiliate panel. You can find new tips and techniques also in our affiliate newsletter.
8. What do I need to do NOW?
A few simple steps:
1. Go to the Signup Form
2. Fill out the form
3. Receive your password and other info by email
4. Log in to your own affiliate panel and choose from various banners, text links, reviews and other promotional materials
5. Place some of these banners/links onto the Home page of your website and as many pages as you want, to increase your sales
6. Receive big commissions from every sale!
Any questions? Contact us here We will be more than happy to help!
Promoting us:
After sign up you will be able to log in to your affiliate panel, where you’ll get a selection of the promotion materials from us.
A few ways to make money with our affiliate program:
- 1. Write a review of some of our products, letting people know how good it is. Include your affiliate link at the end of the review. Post your review to free sites such as GoArticles.com & EzineArticles.com.
- 2. Create a free blog (web log) at sites such as Blogger.com, and post your review of our products or the affiliate program itself, including your affiliate link. Then “ping” your blog at a site such as Pingomatic.com, so it gets picked up quickly by search engines.
- 3. Join popular marketing forums such as WarriorForum.com and DigitalPoint.com, and make frequent contributions to popular threads there. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your “signature”. Make a signature that includes your lifenatural.com affiliate link, or a link to your own lifenatural.com “review” website. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link.
- 4. Once every few weeks post a press release at PRweb.com, in which you include your favorable review of the lifenatural.com health products, along with your affiliate link. If you pay them $80, they will guarantee that your press release is picked up by all major search engines, potentially sending you thousands of visitors.
- 5.If you own an email list of newsletter subscribers or other people who have opted in to receive email offers from you, send them an email telling them about our website and products, and feel free to use some text from our homepage in your email. Include your affiliate link at the end of the email. You can even use our email sample above.
*NOTE – We do not tolerate spamming in any way. - 6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): Using a PPC account from Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or MSN AdCenter (and many others), you can easily generate income with the lifenatural.com affiliate program. You can either send people directly to us using your affiliate link in your PPC ads, or you can create your own website in which you have a review of our product, followed by your affiliate tracking link.
- 7. Upgrade yourself Being affiliate is not exceptionally difficult, but there are some tricks and techniques that can improve your results. Keep reading and learning and you can grow a very successful business over time.